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Central Question

What role does fashion play in our society and how has our role as consumers played a part in the negative impacts of the fashion industry?



Throughout the project I have focused on conducting research on fast fashion and how its impacts are affecting us today by gathering information through articles, films, and dissertations. I first became fascinated with the idea of fast fashion upon inquiring how much of an impact the fast fashion consumption cycle has on young women’s pursuit of self-image, and how we have attached such worth to the clothing we wear (Simpson). Understanding the role that fashion plays in our lives provided a foundational basis for discovering the multi-faceted nature of the fashion industry. Upon further investigation, it quickly became apparent just how large of an issue the fashion consumption cycle is and how detrimental its effects are on our society and environment. The documentary titled "The True Cost" offered a lot of astounding information about the malpractices taking place in order to sell the clothing in malls, and articles such as Bloomberg's “Analysis: How Fast Is Too Fast Where Fashion Is Concerned?” provided more recent statistics of how large this problem has grown. The problems of water and air pollution, overfilled landfills, and unethical treatment of workers are continuing to worsen as consumers buy into the treacherous cycle of fast fashion, and education is the beginning of the solution to working towards a better and safer world (Bloomberg).


With my project centered around an art form that I am not completely familiar with, most of the creative process was centered around discovering new artists and learning the techniques they use in their pieces and incorporate these methods in order to elevate my project more. I drew a lot of inspiration from artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Eileen Dowes, Njideka Akunyili Cosby, among others. I also incorporated specific techniques such as Cubomania, text, and multi-layering. I want my piece to show a wide variety of different skills and methods that are inspired by various artists from different backgrounds, both well-known and underground, while coming together to create a unified piece with a solid message.


Audience & Impact

My intended audience for this project is specifically people in college or around this age who are interested in fashion or find themselves keeping up with the latest trends. I know my generation, and specifically kids in college and high school, are increasingly using social media like instagram, tik tok, and other platforms that promote influencers who dedicate their lives to making the ‘newest trend’. In a society where you are judged based on the brands you wear, the way you look, the outfits you have, it is hard to turn away from wanting to keep up with what everyone else is doing. I wanted this project to show the extreme impacts that this toxic social media culture has led us to, and outline how this industry has created corporations that profit solely off of individuals’ desire to fit in. I understand that there are varying levels of interest in the fashion industry specifically, but I believe that everyone my age has felt the pressure of wanting to be trendy and have the newest clothes, etc, therefore I feel this is a topic that most people can relate to, and I hope to reach as many people as possible regardless of how knowledgeable or interested they are in fashion and the fashion industry.





A huge thank you to Heather, Gabi, and Harold for their support throughout the process and to my fellow art scholars who provided feedback and who were a source of encouragement and inspiration for this project. 



To learn more about me and my experience in Arts Scholars, check out my eportfolio using the link below!

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